#3 自己投資先への悩み

I heard Manabu's radio.

He recommends all people to start studying cryptocurrency.

In today's radio, he states that he starts studying computer language "solidity" so that  he can understand the basic technology used in the METAverse market and take advantage to sell the product there.


On the other hand, I can't find out which area I should learn to earn money by myself.

I'm now 36 years old, but shold I learn about cutting edge technology?

And if so, how can I monetize those knowledge in the competitive world while I work at my company.


フロントエンド(前に出ている商品)単発 Web writing (無料でWeb サイト)

バックエンド(裏の商品…サブスクの課金になるもの)SEOコンサルティング  (79000円で運用保守)







 →専門性はあるか?ない。 身につけれられるか?時間をかければ…。



GMP…専門性 薬事的ニュースの解説 日本語?英語?


